How we work

At Tank & Bulk Logistics BV , we aim to be the leaders in this industry and a strong link of reliability in our customers global value chains. We believe we can only achieve this by acting according to the Moral Values and our operational standards. These values and standards embody the behaviour that guide our employees in their day-to-day operations. 


Standardization is important for operational excellence. For this reason al-logistics has carefully recorded and analyzed its operational best practices around the world in order to develop 75 standards for global implementation. These standards cover all aspects of a terminal’s lifecycle in the fields of Safety, Health, Environment, Quality and Operations, as well as Technical and Project Management. These global standards, known as the Leading Way, are at the heart of Tank & Bulk Logistics BV strategy and have been developed in close consultation with local technical and safety managers. We aims to bring about continuous improvement in every aspect of our operation.


The main objective of Tank & Bulk Logistics BV in the field of industrial safety is to ensure the protection of vital interests of the individual and society from accidents at hazardous production facilities of the enterprise and their consequences.
The activity of “LOOKING for logistics and storage” in the field of industrial safety is aimed at reducing the risk of accidents at hazardous production facilities of the company, observance of priority of measures to prevent incidents and accidents at hazardous production facilities of the enterprise before the liquidation of the consequences of these events.

The main tasks of Tank & Bulk Logistics BV to reduce the risk of accidents at hazardous production facilities of the enterprise are:

  • maintaining the required level of industrial safety at hazardous production facilities of the enterprise in which the risk of incidents and accidents is minimal and corresponds to the level of development of technics and technologies;
  • ensuring the safe operation of hazardous industrial facilities, prevent incidents and accidents;
  • creating conditions for sustainable functioning and development units of enterprises operating hazardous production facilities, through the establishment of a system of prevention of occurrence of failures or damage of technical devices, deviations from, regulatory technical documents in the field of industrial safety, can lead to incidents and accidents at hazardous production facilities of the enterprise;
  • the reduction of the dimensions of economic, social and environmental damage from potential accidents at hazardous production facilities of the enterprise;
  • conduct dialogue with all stakeholders and ensuring openness and accessibility of the performance of Tank & Bulk Logistics BV Rotterdam in the field of industrial safety, with the exception of cases when these indicators are restricted information.

Principles of the activities of Tank & Bulk Logistics BV in the field of industrial safety are:

  • recognition and ensuring the priority of life and health of employees in relation to results of production activities;
  • establishing uniform requirements in the enterprise the organization works in the field of industrial safety taking into account international experience;
  • ensuring continuous operation and improvement of the system of industrial safety management, Tank & Bulk Logistics BV;
  • the pursuit of all employees ofTank & Bulk Logistics BV understanding that the fulfillment of requirements of industrial safety is an integral part of employment.

To achieve this goal, the basic tasks and the implementation of activities in the field of industrial safety of Tank & Bulk Logistics BV Rotterdam assumes the following obligations:

  • to ensure compliance with the requirements of the Federal legislation, legislation of the Netherlands Federation, international agreements, branch and corporate regulatory requirements in the field of industrial safety;
  • to create an effective system of management of industrial safety of the enterprise;
  • constantly improve the management system of industrial safety of the enterprise by optimizing its structure;
  • to improve the efficiency of management system of industrial safety of the enterprise through ongoing monitoring of the performance of all its structural elements;
  • to provide methodological support and actualization of the system of organizational and technical documents in the field of industrial safety;
  • to develop and implement a system of early warning of the possibility of incidents and accidents at hazardous production facilities of the company and ensure the operational implementation of complex of preventive measures aimed at addressing potential risks;
  • to observe priority of planned and implemented actions and measures related to prevention of accidents and incidents at hazardous production facilities of the enterprise, before measures to eliminate the consequences of these events;
  • continually assess the risks of accidents, to ensure the development, implementation and control over implementation of the mitigation measures, and insurance of civil liability of owner of hazardous facility for causing harm to third parties as a result of accident at hazardous production facilities;
  • to ensure the activities of the company in the field of industrial safety with all the necessary resources (financial, human, material);
  • to carry out effective personnel policy, based on the qualitative selection and placement of managers and specialists, able and willing at a high professional level to strictly comply with industrial safety requirements, as well as on the principles of continuous improvement of the technical level of the personnel;
  • constantly consult with employees of hazardous production facilities of the company and their representatives on issues of industrial safety;
  • to establish a system of incentives (motivation) personnel to implement measures to improve the level of industrial safety;
  • to require contractors (subcontractors), leading the work for the company, of observance of requirements of industrial safety;
  • inform and maintain an open dialogue about the activities of Tank & Bulk Logistics BV in the field of industrial safety with all stakeholders (public, state Supervisory bodies etc.);

These requirements are mandatory for all employees of Tank & Bulk Logistics BV and must be implemented in the daily activities of every employee in the workplace within the framework of their powers.