Tank & Bulk Logistics BV is a well organised company. We can offer our customers a made-to-measure service package. We cordially invite you to find out and discuss the opportunities available for your company.
Financial Management
Tank & Bulk Logistics BV takes care of financial management on behalf of ship owners. In this capacity we look after the complete book keeping of the vessel. We also take out the relevant insurances for the vessel and carry out all activities related to the purchase and selling of ships.
Ship finance
There are many financing possibilities and financial constructions for getting ships into service. We would be glad to discuss the options with you in order to achieve the most favourable construction on the basis of a customised analysis.
Tank & Bulk Logistics BV takes care of the recruitment, selection and manning of the ships on behalf of the ship owner. For this the wishes of the owners are leading, within the applicable legal framework. The complete wage administration and processing of the salaries are also our responsibility. In addition we ensure satisfactory crew changes for the ships, including arranging tickets, visa, hotel stays and certificates.
Quality Assurance-Compliance
The Quality Management department handles
• ARBO (occupational health) including risk inventory and evaluation